Friday, October 31, 2008

" The Virtue of Selfishness "

A few days ago i updated my ' about me ' on a social networking site.
It read
" I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. " - John Galt

Objectivism is an easy philosophy to like a difficult one to follow. Its all very trendy to talk about it, and list it in fav books and pretend to be the most independent person around. But deep down i am but a needy girl in pigtails . It would be so easy if i could be the only person who can make me happy or sad . but that state of euphoria is far away. and here i am all lonely wishing i had someone to talk to . wishing i was half as important to ppl as i believe myself to be. wishing dat there were platonic relationships i could expect from.

And so the updated 'about me' reads "If only the answer was 42. "


Sid said...

abe kya ho gaya tere ko itne khatarnaak justification that too for a status update in a n/w site...... emotions ke bhaari outflow ko control kar

Unknown said...

Hmm.... But you have to start from somewhere... isn't it?
I agree it's a difficult philosophy, but remember that only practice makes you better!