Friday, February 22, 2008

Its been a boring day !!!!! senseless assignments and midterms ..... and rainy and blue on top of dat . just the day when all i wanna do is sleep ...which by the way i did for like 12 hours ...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Facing thy dreams

'Chase thy dreams ' .... how often have we heard his .. the omnipresent inspirational quote .. and of course isnt that the secret of achieving dreams. But what do you do when fate intervens . You dont get to chase your dream coz lady luck smiles at you and wham , heres your opportunity. Its time to ' capture thy dream' . But hello ? whatever happened to preparing for it. I am not ready as yet . I dont want it now . I would rather it remains the elusive dream , thank you very much. For i would rather have a destination as compared to the memory of a failure . I am no spider , not even a king bruce. and a shimmering oasis is all i ask for.
' hee hee' , you cant dictate terms to me fate chortles
And so the grand saga of me facing what i have always wanted ends with me questioning my right to dream so big. well what have always wnted might not be true , but yes pretty high on the list of things i want ( second only to true love , sighs cindrella ).
And now the subduded questions emerge. destinations . and yes i know lifes about the journey . but without the destination i sort of cannot make the right turns you know. Reminds me of these bike rides i used to go on with a friend . with the hopes of getting lost we would choose turns without thinking . and no i never got anywhere interesting. Thats what i dread. A journey ending with well so what?
Signing of hoping to find new dreams .

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunscreen and duh someones !!

First the song

i rediscovered it today ..
after what can only be termed as an unbelievable day . like one of those murphy law days . the why me days . the not again . and the not one more thing .
and then when you have screamed yourself hoarse . and had the world against you.
but the sunscreen song always does it .

'duh someone' is much more special. the luxury of being able to crib to someone who is so practical . you would think practicality = distance .but well not here . he is the perfect listener . as i have declared so many times before. and every time he plays the role , he never fails to surprise me. Thabk you . muuahhh.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oh well gee !!! my first blog ... are you going to be my crying board , my stage or my escape ?